Half-Life 2

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Half Life 2 is a first-person shooter by Valve Corporation.

Six years did fans of the critically acclaimed Half Life have to wait for its successor, Half Life 2. Developed by the Valve Corporation, it was the very first game to use the developer's Source engine. Continuing the story of scientist-turned-action-hero Gordan Freeman in a alternate Earth world where aliens had arrived from another dimension after a science experiment gone horribly wrong in the first game, players experience a first-person shooter like none other, with outstanding graphics for its time as well as a realistic physics engine, which the game took full advantage of.

As in the first game, Gordan begins his adventure without any weapons and slowly builds up an arsenal to face consistently more ferocious enemies. The world has changed a lot since Gordan's escape from Black Mesa, as now twenty years have passed and a multidimensional corporation, Combine, has taken control of the planet. Colortone for mac. A police state was put in place and the citizens suppressed. As to be expected, an underground resistance movement formed and Gordon is introduced to them early in the game. Fan-favourite character Barney Calhoun is back to help Gordon out, going undercover as an officer for Combine. Alyx Vance, the daughter of one of Gordan's former co-workers at Black Mesa, is the games female star, shedding some humanity and passion into an otherwise bleak world.

Gordon meets further characters, both friend and foe, throughout the game, and as in the first installment of the franchise, he has to fight his way out of difficult situations and use the environment to overcome obstacles. Without giving away too much information, it is safe to say that Half Life 2 ends in as just a dramatic fashion as the first game. An enjoyable part to the game is use of vehicles, including beach buggies and speedboats, which are a pleasant change of pace to an otherwise long trek on foot. Players should not get carried away with the joy riding, as they might pass their objective!

Half-Life 2 Concept art for the Half-Life 2 version. The Houndeye was originally to appear in Half-Life 2. Much thinner than the bulky, healthy Houndeye seen in Half-Life and its expansions, hunger was to have turned it into a fierce and voracious predator. Half-Life 2 - Game of the Year Edition Summary: In addition to the complete Half-Life 2, this package also includes Counter-Strike: Source, the Half-Life 2: Deathmatch MOD, and the Source-engine.

Half-life 2 Walkthrough

Fans were given more of the game in two sequels, titled Half Life 2: Episode One and Half Life 2: Episode Two, as well as an additional level to the game, Half Life 2: Lost Coast. Fans hoping for Half Life 3 might be disappointed, as Gabe Newell, founder of Valve, stated that the expansions to Half Life 2 were essentially Half Life 3. We live in hope that this is just an elaborate bluff to allow for the announcement of Half Life 3 to be even more spectacular.

As with the original Half Life, the community was able to develop mods for the game, one of the most famous being Garry's Mod. Other Valve games - not mods of Half Life 2 - based on the Source engine include Counterstrike: Source, the moderately successful sequel to Counterstrike 1.6, and Day of Defeat: Source.


Half-life 2 Walkthrough

  • Best graphics and physics engine for its time
  • Unique and compelling story
  • Fluent gameplay


Half-life 2 Release Date

  • A nagging longing for Half Life 3

Half-life 2 Release Date


Half-life 2 System Requirements

The main feature of Half Life titles surely is a flow that is never interrupted – it is complete and never-ending. The second part of the title continues this tradition and you will surely find yourself absolutely absorbed by the process. Half Life is known as one of the most popular games of all times. The second part saves that well-known feeling of anxiety and fear, where the inner conflict is combined with the external danger coming from the outside. The world of the game makes you extremely influential – everything is responsive here, so whatever you do, your decisions influence the process of playing. Your actions influence everything, from the outer world to your emotional state and people that surround you, both friends and enemies.
Now Gordon Freeman is researching and fighting again, all at the same time. He is on Earth now, but it is not the place as he knows it from the past – now the lands are flooded by aliens and they are trying to turn our blue planet into a desert. They are defeating people, using resources, and conquering the entire world. Your task is now to stop them and prevent humanity from dying. Become a savior of the entire humanity and save people from evil and darkness. Your comrades rely on you, so you cannot lose the fight. The game is stuffed with scenes that will make you alarmed all the time – the process is highly-energetic and thrilling. Everything happens in the real time and you will have to make fast and difficult decisions all the time.
You can create new characters, using the latest customization technologies. The level of detail is higher than you have ever seen in all similar titles. There are more than forty face muscles and people can perform numerous emotions that make them characters of the film rather than game heroes. They are extremely reactive and different. The physics are also great here – all objects and substances behave like they do in the real world, considering the mass, power, and material. Also, this part uses advanced AI technologies, so all characters can learn from their experience and choose the most optimal decisions.